MacMost Now 778: New iPad, iPad mini, iMac, Mac mini and MacBook Pro

Apple announced many new products today including a new iPad mini, a 4th generation iPad, new iMac, new 13-inch MacBook Pro with retina display and a new Mac mini. They also updated iBooks and iBooks Author with new features.

Comments: 23 Responses to “MacMost Now 778: New iPad, iPad mini, iMac, Mac mini and MacBook Pro”

    12 years ago

    Thanks for the info. Keep up the great work! You rock!

    12 years ago

    Good info...any idea why the mini has the A5 chip vice the A6? Does that indicate the mini will be updated next year to the A6 in the next model? And since I just bought my iPad3, I fel like I got suckerd with a iPad4 out 6 months later, and I like the mini, but to go smaller I have to regress on technology, then repurchase a "mini" upgrade next year to get the latest tech, again? Just insane!

      12 years ago

      Probably just price. At $329 vs. $499 they have to give in somewhere. A smaller screen, yes. But also in other places.
      Would you rather Apple stopped coming out with updates? There's nothing wrong with your 3rd gen iPad. Having a new one doesn't take anything away from it. You don't need to buy every new update that comes out. But for people what want to buy their first iPad now, or replace a much older one, it is great that Apple is moving the tech forward.

        12 years ago

        Hey, it _is_ pricey to stay on the cutting edge with the latest. I just bought my iPad 3 a week ago! HAHA. Regardless, I'll probably be buying 3 iPad Minis as gifts for Xmas... with the ooooold processor. Folly? Yes, but boy are gadget FUN!

          12 years ago

          Note that Apple has been reported that Apple will exchange them if you bought one in the last 30 days. So you may want to visit the Apple Store and ask.

    12 years ago

    Hi Gary: As an offshoot, have been wanting to ask you about a specific use for iPads, et. al. I foresee newspapers disappearing with some sort of device sitting next to our morning coffee to read the news. your opinion on best device used strictly for that purpose using my WiFi broadband connection. I realize this field is evolving, but where do we stand now? Or will be all remove to the sanctity of our iMacs each morning with coffee cups in hand? Watcha think?

      12 years ago

      I think you answered your own question. Isn't the iPad the device for this? Newsweek magazine announced that they will be iPad-only soon. Great apps like Flipboard can present the news and more in a great way. Check out the USA Today app. Try reading magazines like Wired with their apps too.

    Don Burke
    12 years ago

    Hi Gary - I have an original iPad and it is frustratingly slow at times. Is the new iPad significantly faster? I love using the iPad and would like to buy a new one, but I would be very disappointed if there was not a big improvement in speed.

      12 years ago

      The difference between the first iPad and the new 4th generation should be remarkable: faster processor (single core A4 vs. quad-core A6X), more internal memory too.

    12 years ago

    When discussing the newly announced iPad mini, everyone seems to be concerned with the processor. I know that the processor is important, but I was way more bummed to hear that it will not have a "retina display". I've gotten used to the display on my iPhone 5 and 3rd ten iPad, will the iPad mini display be noticeably worse?? I'm surprised that this product doesn't have a retina display now that we've already seen retina displays on the iPhone 5 (4"), iPad (10"), and Macbook Pro (13" & 15")...

      12 years ago

      The iPhone does have a retina display, but keep in mind it costs $649 (before carrier subsidies). So it definitely is a price issue. The display on the iPad mini will be the same number of pixels as the iPad 2, but in a smaller space so it will be denser, kinda like midway between a standard and retina display.

        12 years ago

        that makes sense, thanks for the info. just preordered mine, can't wait!!

    12 years ago

    I already have an original iPad and a 3rd generation iPad but they have been hijacked by my wife and 2 sons. I am a medical professional and basically want a device to read my journal articles that I have saved in PDF format and also to show educational videos to my patients. Do you have idea how PDF files will look on the iPad mini as compared the iPad? I know books in iBook format will probable be formatted nicely for the iPad mini but I have my doubts with documents in PDF form as all of my journal articles will be. What is your recommendation, get an iPad Mini or buy an Ipad2 for reading files in PDF format? Thanks!

      12 years ago

      The only differences are the screen size and the density. It will look like the PDFs do on the original iPad (non-retina) just at a slightly smaller size.

    Rick Zabala
    12 years ago

    I was hoping but the mini iPad still has no built in GPS. What a wast of a machine and I still have to continue using Android pads. I like looking at the heavens and whats there not to mention where I am going on earth once I got acquainted with GPS

      12 years ago

      What were you planning to do that required a wifi-only machine, but with a GPS? I would imagine that people who want a GPS would also want the LTE model. If you are outside, away from your wifi, then you'd need a connection to do almost anything GPS-related anyway.

    Tom Hoole
    12 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    I love your stuff, it's been very helpful!
    I like the new iMac but I'm stumped on what to do without an optical drive. Any suggestions?

      12 years ago

      First, what do you need an optical drive for? People with MacBook Airs have been going without one for years. Optical media is on the way out.
      Second, you can always get the external Superdrive. $79.

    G Tyler
    12 years ago

    They are not even taking pre-orders for the iMacs. When it finally opens up, there is going to be a huge demand and a quick sell out. What's the best way to know the exact moment the Apple Store opens to buy them? Need to make sure my cousin doesn't miss out. He's been waiting for a while on my advice.

      12 years ago

      Just keep checking the Apple news sites. Or, get in the habit of checking the Apple Store every day.

        G Tyler
        12 years ago

        Do you think Apple will announce a date and time or will it just be a big surprise?

          12 years ago

          Hard to say. They may issue a press release and then just let the news sites spread the word.

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